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RESILIENCE! It's a beautiful and essential thing.

Since "resilience" is a word that gets thrown around a LOT, here’s what it is:

It’s our ability to handle the challenges and crises that come our way. 

What does that even mean?

Well, we all have crises in our lives, right? Some big, some small. Resilience is the capacity to handle what life throws at you, and perhaps even transform into someone even stronger and more awesome than before.

What’s the River of Tolerance? It’s a term I coined (inspired by Daniel J. Siegel's term "Window of Tolerance.")

The River of Tolerance is our emotional sweet spot where we can best function (and ideally thrive) in everyday life.

When our river of tolerance has lots of water and is flowing well, we have access to our prefrontal cortex (the part of our brain where can reason and problem-solve), and we have a sense of groundedness, flexibility, curiosity, presence, the capacity to be emotionally regulated and tolerate stressors.

But sometimes our river is drained or blocked. When that happens, we lose access to our prefrontal cortex (that's the thinking part of our brain), and are more likely to engage in self-sabotaging behaviors and reinforce patterns and choices that can derail relationship with ourselves and others.

The good news is...RESILIENCE IS CULTIVATABLE, and you can refill your river of tolerance!

In this free 5 day program, you’ll learn and implement powerful and effective ways to  revive your resilience and make your river more flow-y! 

Dates: Monday, March 11th-Friday March15th
Where: wherever you are!
Cost: FREE!

What you're going to get: 

~ Each day, you'll receive a simple yet powerful exercise, thought, tool, or action step—sent right to your inbox! You can read and implement them (fairly) quickly and easily. And each one will impact your resilience.

~ You'll have access to a supportive and seriously awesome Facebook community to share your journey and your wins!

~ Have I said it's free?

Why you need to do this:
Because sometimes we all need accountability and support to focus on ourselves and our growth. ESPECIALLY when it comes to something like resilience, and especially because it's been so depleted over the past several years.

How to do it:
Pop your info below and you'll get all the everything, including all the emails you need to catch up!

(You’ll also be subscribed to my newsletter for ongoing inspiration about abundance and owning your awesomeness. I promise never to share or misuse your info, and you can unsubscribe at any time.)